Monday, April 22, 2013

A VERY quick sweatshirt refashion

If you follow my facebook page you'll know that I found this thrifted (£1.50) sweatshirt a while ago. I'd been looking for a suitable specimen for ages so when I came across this little minty green number (don't ask me what happened in the photo on the left. It's definately not turquoise) I thought it would make the perfect piece for a chilly Spring (which let's face it, we're stuck with!); and the other day I finally got around to giving it a new look...
One of the things that appealed to me about trying out a sweatshirt refashion was that the fabric doesn't fray. No need for seam finishes or any of that hemming malarkey. Yay for that! So I decided to take full advantage of this fabric's properties, and see how little sewing it would take to transform it (Lazy? Moi? Occasionally ;). I went for a slightly "de-constructed" look and let me tell took under 10 minutes of actual sewing....kaBOOOM! The only bit's of stitching were the side seams and the li'l pocket I cut for the front...

So...5-10 minutes of cutting, 5 minutes of fitting, under 10 minutes of sewing makes.....YEP!!!....a 30 minute project!  Hurrah for that! So if that complete lack of effort appeals to you and you want to give this a go...let's face it, you can probably work it out from the pics, but just in's what I did



Great colour and I am loving this deconstructed look.

Refashion said...

Lovely new shape - the tiny pocket is a great touch.

Mikelina said...

This top is great! I too love the deconstruction, the shape and the pocket! Definitely doing this!